Installation instructions

eQuilibrator.jl uses PyCall.jl and Conda.jl to access equilibrator_api functions. First, ensure that you have installed both PyCall.jl and Conda.jl using Julia's package manager:

] add PyCall
] add Conda

Next, install equilibrator_api through Conda.jl:

using Conda

Conda.add("equilibrator-api"; channel="conda-forge") # note: use a dash and not an underscore in "equilibrator-api"

Then test if you can import equilibrator_api using PyCall.jl:

using PyCall

eq = pyimport("equilibrator_api") # note: use an underscore and not a dash in "equilibrator_api"

If no errors occur, and the last command return something like PyObject <module 'equilibrator_api' from... then you will be able to use eQuilibrator.jl after installing it:

] add eQuilibrator

Finally, test if everything works as expected:

] test eQuilibrator